Registration includes

  • Access to all Conference Sessions

  • Opportunity to give a Keynote Plenary/ Poster Presentations/ Workshop

  • Certificate Accredited by our Organizing Committee Member

  • Tea/Coffee & Snack and Lunch during the Conference

Select from Various Categories Below

Early Bird Registration
Before October 11, 2024

Mid Term Registration
Before December 13, 2024

Final Registration
Before April 07, 2025

Platinum Sponsorship, $5000


Gold Sponsorship, $4000


Silver Sponsorship, $3000


Exhibitor, $2000


One-Night (Single Occupancy)


One-Night (Double Occupancy)


Extra Nights

Accompanying Person

Accompanying Person ($249)


Payment Description Amount

Processing Fee in $(5% processing fee is applicabale on total amount): 

Total Amount Payable in $: 

By clicking "pay", you agree to the privacy policy, terms & conditions and cancellation policy

Selected Price $: Inclusive of all taxes.